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Tarique Rahman urges BNP to win people’s hearts with justice, not intimidation

BNP Acting Chairman Tarique Rahman today called on party leaders and activists to earn the trust of the people through justice and generosity, rather than by using force or intimidation.
In a video message commemorating the 46th founding anniversary of the BNP, Tarique Rahman said, “My clear message to you is that you should win the hearts of the people with justice and generosity, not by force or fear. Earn people’s love.”
He also advised party members against seeking revenge for past injustices, urging them instead to pursue legal recourse.
“In the current situation, I request that none of you seek revenge for the past. No one should take the law into their own hands. If you were a victim of injustice, pursue legal action, but ensure that no one falls victim to attacks or harassment cases,” he said.
Addressing pro-democratic citizens, Tarique Rahman highlighted the BNP’s role in defending the country’s interests and promoting democracy and human rights, whether in government or opposition.
“This is why BNP is the most popular and trusted political institution, founded by the proclaimer of independence, for the democratic people of the country, despite overcoming hundreds of adverse situations,” he said.
Talking about the current political situation, Tarique Rahman further said the party should not look back to the past as the dictator who fled the country took away 15 years of the national life.
“BNP’s goal is to build a non-discriminatory, safe, and humane Bangladesh for the future,” he said.
He also noted that the younger generation is more interested in seeing promises fulfilled rather than political rhetoric in today’s world of information technology.
“They want to see doors to prosperity, dignity, and opportunity open,” he added.
Tarique Rahman noted that the country is in a transitional period, with the interim government facing challenges in building a discrimination-free Bangladesh.
He pointed out that, despite the country’s liberation from dictatorship on August 5, conspiracies continue to thwart progress.
“The allies of the dictator still continue to hatch conspiracies to foil the success and prospects of the mass uprising. I believe that if the pro-Bangladesh force stays alert, the country will not lose its way anymore. And Bangladesh will not lose its way,” Tarique said.
He criticised the last 15 years of governance, claiming that injustice and misrule cannot be erased through conspiracy or propaganda.
Tarique Rahman accused the Gono Bhaban of becoming a symbol of corruption, calling for it to be turned into a museum to remember the victims of forced disappearances, extrajudicial killings, and other atrocities during former prime minister Sheikh Hasina’s rule.
“The memories of victims from incidents like the 2009 Pilkhana killings, the 2013 Shapla Chattar massacre, and the movements for democracy and safe roads will be preserved in this museum,” he said.
“This museum will carry that message to future generations so that no other ruler in Bangladesh follows the barbaric path of dictator Hasina to hang onto power illegally,” he added.
Addressing the recent floods, Tarique Rahman said that nearly one crore people have been affected in the eastern regions of the country.
He called on BNP leaders and activists to continue supporting flood victims and to participate in the government’s flood rehabilitation efforts.
“Stand united with the victims and play an active role in helping the government complete the rehabilitation process,” he urged.
